Running on Local Browsers
Testplane is now able to automatically download browsers for running tests locally. Enjoy a hassle-free start with --local
option if you don't need remote browser grid.
Testplane is now able to automatically download browsers for running tests locally. Enjoy a hassle-free start with --local
option if you don't need remote browser grid.
We have implemented an extension for [VS Code][vscode] for Testplane, which allows you to configure Testplane from scratch, run tests, and conveniently work with the REPL mode.
Now, for automatic visual testing of your components, you only need Storybook with your components and the @testplane/storybook
plugin. There’s no need to write any tests anymore.
In testplane, experimental support for component testing and unit tests running in the browser has been added.
We present to your attention... Testplane. Our project Hermione has decided to change its name — meet the time-tested product in a fresh look!