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Use the getPuppeteer command to get an instance of the browser's Puppeteer in order to execute specialized commands with it.

Please note that all Puppeteer commands are asynchronous by default, so to switch between synchronous and asynchronous execution, be sure to wrap Puppeteer calls in, as shown in the example below.


The getPuppeteer command only works when using Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP).

Read more in the section "How to use Chrome DevTools Protocol in testplane".


await browser.getPuppeteer();

Usage Examples

it("should allow me to use Puppeteer", async ({ browser }) => {
await browser.url("");

const puppeteerBrowser = await browser.getPuppeteer();

// switch to Puppeteer
const metrics = await () => {
const pages = await puppeteerBrowser.pages();

await pages[0].setGeolocation({ latitude: 59.95, longitude: 30.31667 });

return pages[0].metrics();

console.log(metrics.LayoutCount); // outputs: 42


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.