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Use the mock command to mock the response to a request.

You can enable mocking depending on the URL, headers, or status code. Calling the mock method returns a stub object that you can use to modify the response from the web resource. With the stub object, you can return a mock response or abort the request.

There are 3 ways to modify the response:

  • return a custom JSON object (e.g., to mock an API response);
  • replace the response with a local file (inject a modified JavaScript file);
  • redirect to another URL and return the response from there.

The mock command only works when using Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP).

Read more in the section "How to use Chrome DevTools Protocol in testplane".

Also, see the recipe "How to intercept requests and responses".


await browser.mock(url, { method, headers, responseHeaders, postData, statusCode });

Command Parameters

urlStringThe URL of the request to mock.
methodString or FunctionThe HTTP method to filter the resource.
headersObject or FunctionThe request headers to filter the resource.
responseHeadersObject or FunctionThe response headers to filter the resource.
postDataString or FunctionThe request postData to filter the resource.
statusCodeNumber or FunctionThe status code to filter the resource.

Usage Examples

it("should mock network resources", async ({ browser }) => {
// use a static string
const userListMock = await browser.mock("**" + "/users/list");

// we can also mock responses based on
// request or response headers, status code, or postData
const strictMock = await browser.mock("**", {
// mock all json responses
statusCode: 200,
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
responseHeaders: { "Cache-Control": "no-cache" },
postData: "foobar",

// comparator function
const apiV1Mock = await browser.mock("**" + "/api/v1", {
statusCode: statusCode => statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 203,
headers: headers =>
headers["Authorization"] && headers["Authorization"].startsWith("Bearer "),
responseHeaders: headers => headers["Impersonation"],
postData: data => typeof data === "string" && data.includes("foo"),

it("should modify API responses", async ({ browser }) => {
// filter by method
const todoMock = await browser.mock("**" + "/todos", {
method: "get",

// mock the response of the endpoint with predefined fixture
title: "Injected Todo",
order: null,
completed: false,
url: "",

// respond with a different status code or header
title: "Injected Todo",
order: null,
completed: false,
url: "",
statusCode: 404,
headers: {
"x-custom-header": "foobar",

it("should modify text assets", async ({ browser }) => {
const scriptMock = await browser.mock("**" + "/script.min.js");

it("should redirect web resources", async ({ browser }) => {
const headerMock = await browser.mock("**" + "/header.png");

const pageMock = await browser.mock("");
await browser.url("");

console.log(await browser.getTitle());
// outputs: "WebdriverIO · Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js"


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.