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Use the react$ command to find React components on the page by their actual name, while filtering them by props and state.


The react$ command only works in applications that use React v16.x.

Read more about React selectors in the recipe "How to use selectors".


await browser.react$(reactComponentSelector, { props, state });

Command Parameters

reactComponentSelectorStringThe React component selector.
propsObjectReact properties the component should have.
stateAny or Any[]React state the component should be in.

Usage Examples

it("should calculate 7 * 6", async ({ browser }) => {
await browser.url("");

await browser
.react$("t", {
props: { name: "7" },

await browser
.react$("t", {
props: { name: "x" },

await browser
.react$("t", {
props: { name: "6" },

await browser
.react$("t", {
props: { name: "=" },

console.log(await browser.$(".component-display").getText()); // outputs: "42"


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.