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Use the setTimeout command to set timeouts for element searches on the page, document load waits, and script executions through the execute or executeAsync commands.


await browser.setTimeout({ implicit, pageLoad, script });

Command Parameters

implicitNumberTime in milliseconds for retrying element location when searching for an element.
pageLoadNumberTime to wait for the document to load, in milliseconds.
scriptNumberTimeout for scripts run using execute or executeAsync, in milliseconds.

Usage Examples

it("should change timeout duration for session with long code duration", async ({ browser }) => {
await browser.setTimeout({
pageLoad: 10000,
script: 60000,

// execute code that takes a long time
await browser.executeAsync(done => {
console.log("Wake me up before you go!");
setTimeout(done, 59000);


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.