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Use the getLocation command to determine the location of an element on the page.

The point (0, 0) refers to the top left corner of the page.


await browser.$(selector).getLocation(prop);

Command Parameters

propStringOptional parameter. Can be "x" or "y" to directly get the desired value for simpler checks. If not specified, the command returns an object of the form { x, y }.

Usage Examples

it("should demonstrate the getLocation function", async ({ browser }) => {
await browser.url("");
const logo = await browser.$(".octicon-mark-github");
const location = await logo.getLocation();
console.log(location); // outputs: { x: 150, y: 20 }

const xLocation = await logo.getLocation("x");
console.log(xLocation); // outputs: 150

const yLocation = await logo.getLocation("y");
console.log(yLocation); // outputs: 20


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.