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Use the isExisting command to determine whether a given DOM element exists.

The command returns true if the selected element exists, otherwise it returns false.


Unlike other element commands, Testplane will not wait for the element to exist before executing this command.


await browser.$(selector).isExisting();

Usage Examples


<div id="notDisplayed" style="display: none"></div>
<div id="notVisible" style="visibility: hidden"></div>
<div id="notInViewport" style="position:absolute; left: 9999999"></div>
<div id="zeroOpacity" style="opacity: 0"></div>


it("should detect if elements are existing", async ({ browser }) => {
let elem = await browser.$("#someRandomNonExistingElement");
let isExisting = await elem.isExisting();
console.log(isExisting); // outputs: false

elem = await browser.$("#notDisplayed");
isExisting = await elem.isExisting();
console.log(isExisting); // outputs: true

elem = await browser.$("#notVisible");
isExisting = await elem.isExisting();
console.log(isExisting); // outputs: true

elem = await browser.$("#notInViewport");
isExisting = await elem.isExisting();
console.log(isExisting); // outputs: true

elem = await browser.$("#zeroOpacity");
isExisting = await elem.isExisting();
console.log(isExisting); // outputs: true


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.