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expect for elements


Calls isDisplayed on the given element.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#someElem");
await expect(elem).toBeDisplayed();


Calls isExisting on the given element.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#someElem");
await expect(elem).toExist();


Same as toExist.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#someElem");
await expect(elem).toBePresent();


Same as toExist.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#someElem");
await expect(elem).toBeExisting();


Checks if the element has focus. This assertion works only in the web context.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#someElem");
await expect(elem).toBeFocused();


Checks if the element has the given attribute with the specified value.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttribute("class", "form-control");


Same as toHaveAttribute.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttr("class", "form-control");


Checks if the given substring is contained in the specified attribute's value of the element.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttributeContaining("class", "form");


Same as toHaveAttributeContaining.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttrContaining("class", "form");


Checks if the element has the specified class name.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveElementClass("form-control", { message: "Not a form control!" });


Checks if the element's class name contains the specified substring.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveElementClassContaining("form");


Checks if the element has the specified property with the given value.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toHaveElementProperty("height", 23);
await expect(elem).not.toHaveElementProperty("height", 0);


Checks if an input element has the given value.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveValue("user", { ignoreCase: true });


Checks if the given substring is contained in the specified input element's value.

For example:

const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveValueContaining("us");


Checks if the element is clickable by calling isClickable.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toBeClickable();


Checks if the element is disabled by calling isEnabled.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toBeDisabled();
// or, equivalently:
await expect(elem).not.toBeEnabled();


Checks if the element is enabled by calling isEnabled.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toBeEnabled();
// or, equivalently:
await expect(elem).not.toBeDisabled();


Checks if the element is selected by calling isSelected.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toBeSelected();


Same as toBeSelected.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toBeChecked();


Checks if the element link has the specified URL.

For example:

const link = await browser.$("a");
await expect(link).toHaveHref("");

Same as toHaveHref.

For example:

const link = await browser.$("a");
await expect(link).toHaveLink("");


Checks if the given substring is contained in the element link's URL.

For example:

const link = await browser.$("a");
await expect(link).toHaveHrefContaining("");


Same as toHaveHrefContaining.

For example:

const link = await browser.$("a");
await expect(link).toHaveLinkContaining("");


Checks if the element has the given ID.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toHaveId("elem");


Checks if the element's text matches the specified value.

It can also be called with an array as a parameter in case the element can have different texts.

For example:

await browser.url("");
const elem = await browser.$(".container");
await expect(elem).toHaveText("Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js");
await expect(elem).toHaveText([
"Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js",
"Get Started",


Checks if the element's text contains the specified substring.

It can also be called with an array as a parameter in case the element can have different texts.

For example:

await browser.url("");
const elem = await browser.$(".container");
await expect(elem).toHaveTextContaining("browser and mobile automation test framework");
await expect(elem).toHaveTextContaining([
"browser and mobile automation test framework",


Checks if the element is within the viewport using the isDisplayedInViewport command.

For example:

const elem = await browser.$("#elem");
await expect(elem).toBeDisplayedInViewport();


Checks the number of child elements of the given element using the element.$('./*') command.

For example:

const list = await browser.$("ul");
await expect(list).toHaveChildren(); // list has at least 1 element
// or, equivalently:
await expect(list).toHaveChildren({ gte: 1 });
await expect(list).toHaveChildren(3); // list has 3 elements
// or, equivalently:
await expect(list).toHaveChildren({ eq: 3 });


Checks the number of elements obtained using the $$ command.

For example:

const listItems = await browser.$$("ul>li");
await expect(listItems).toBeElementsArrayOfSize(5); // 5 items in the list
await expect(listItems).toBeElementsArrayOfSize({ lte: 10 });
// or, equivalently:
assert.ok(listItems.length <= 10);


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.