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expect for network mocks


Checks if the specified request was made.

For example:

const mock = browser.mock("**/api/todo*");
await expect(mock).toBeRequested();


Checks if the specified request was made the expected number of times.

For example:

const mock = browser.mock("**/api/todo*");
await expect(mock).toBeRequestedTimes(2);
// or, equivalently:
await expect(mock).toBeRequestedTimes({ eq: 2 });
const mock = browser.mock("**/api/todo*");
// Check if the request was made at least 5 times but no more than 10 times
await expect(mock).toBeRequestedTimes({ gte: 5, lte: 10 });


Checks if the specified request was made with the given options.

Most options support partial matchers expect.* / jasmine.* such as expect.objectContaining.

For example:

const mock = browser.mock("**/api/todo*", { method: "POST" });

await expect(mock).toBeRequestedWith({
url: "http://localhost:8080/api/todo", // [optional] string | function | custom matcher
method: "POST", // [optional] string | array
statusCode: 200, // [optional] number | array
requestHeaders: { Authorization: "foo" }, // [optional] object | function | custom matcher
responseHeaders: { Authorization: "bar" }, // [optional] object | function | custom matcher
postData: { title: "foo", description: "bar" }, // [optional] object | function | custom matcher
response: { success: true }, // [optional] object | function | custom matcher

await expect(mock).toBeRequestedWith({
url: expect.stringMatching(/.*\/api\/.*/i),
method: ["POST", "PUT"], // Either POST or PUT
statusCode: [401, 403], // Either 401 or 403
requestHeaders: headers => headers.Authorization.startsWith("Bearer "),
postData: expect.objectContaining({ released: true, title: expect.stringContaining("foobar") }),
response: r => Array.isArray(r) && === 20,


We'd like to give credit to the original WebdriverIO docs article, from which we drew some information while writing our version.