Assertion with Expect
When writing tests, it's often necessary to ensure that values meet certain criteria. With the expect
function you have access to a variety of matchers that help verify different characteristics of the browser, element, or object mock.
For example, you can check if the browser is on a specific page
await browser.url("");
// ...
await expect(browser).toHaveUrl("");
or check if the element has an attribute with the specified value
const myInput = await browser.$("input");
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttribute("class", "form-control");
or check if the specified request has been made for your mock
const mock = browser.mock("**/api/todo*");
// ...
await expect(mock).toBeRequested();
By default, the timeout for executing asserts is 2000ms with a check interval of 100ms. However, if necessary, these values can be redefined in the system section in the general config.
// another testplane configs
system: {
expectOpts: {
wait: 5000,
interval: 200,