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Testplane Commands



Only commands for the latest version Testplane v8 and WebDriverIO v8 are described. Commands for older versions should be referenced in the WebDriverIO documentation (example for WebDriverIO v7).

Since Testplane is based on WebDriverIO v8, all commands provided by WebDriverIO are available in it.

However, the command descriptions on the WebDriverIO website for version 8 are not quite suitable as is for Testplane users due to a number of reasons:

  • In WebDriverIO, the browser object exists in the global scope, whereas in Testplane you need to either write this.browser:
it("should test something", async function () {
const browser = this.browser;
// test code...

or get the browser object from the function argument (note that the browser object is passed inside an object!):

it("should test something", async ({ browser }) => {
// test code...
  • Similarly, the browser.$ and browser.$$ functions in WebDriverIO are available in tests under the names $ and $$, while in Testplane you need to refer to them by their full path: browser.$ and browser.$$;

  • There are no links established between similar commands: no clustering of commands;

Nevertheless, our description does not yet include protocol-specific commands. You can find the relevant commands on the WebDriverIO website under the "Protocols" section.

Also, in the descriptions of some commands, links to individual recipes are still not localized and lead to the WebDriverIO website.