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Html-Reporter Customizing GUI



This method of GUI customization is outdated. It is recommended to use report plugins instead.

Use the customGui option in the html-reporter plugin config to add custom controls for GUI mode.

For controls, their type (button or radio button), labels and values, as well as initialization functions and the main click action are set. The controls should be divided into separate sections depending on their purpose. At least one section must be specified.

By default, the value of the customGui option is {}.


The customGui option requires an object of the following format for its value:

customGui: {
'<section name>': [
type: '<type of control>', // 'button' or 'radiobutton'
controls: [
label: '<label on the control>',
value: '<value of the control>'

// other controls...
initialize: async ({ testplane, ctx }) => {
// initialization code
// the return value will be ignored
action: async ({ testplane, ctx, control }) => {
// action code
// the return value will be ignored

// other groups of controls...

// other sections...

Description of configuration parameters

typeStringRequired parameter. The type of controls. Available values: 'button' and 'radiobutton'.
controlsArrayAn array of objects, each of which describes a control. The object must consist of two keys: label and value, which specify the label on the control and its value.
initializeFunctionOptional parameter. Asynchronous function that will be executed on the server side when Testplane starts in GUI mode. An object of the form { testplane, ctx } will be passed to the function, where testplane is an instance of testplane, and ctx is an object describing a group of elements for which the initialization function is called.
actionFunctionRequired parameter. Asynchronous function that will be executed on the server side when the user clicks on the control. An object of the form { testplane, ctx, control } will be passed to the function, where testplane is an instance of testplane, ctx is an object describing a group of elements for which the action function is called, and control is a link to the control that the user clicked on.

Usage example

Adding radio buttons to change the base URL in GUI mode:

customGui: {
'some-meaningful-name-of-section': [
type: 'radiobutton',
controls: [
label: 'Dev',
value: 'http://localhost/development/'
label: 'Prod',
value: 'http://localhost/production/'
initialize: async ({ testplane, ctx }) => {
const { config } = testplane;
const browserIds = config.getBrowserIds();

if (browserIds.length) {
const { baseUrl } = config.forBrowser(browserIds[0]);

ctx.controls.forEach((control) => { = (baseUrl === control.value);
action: async ({ testplane, ctx, control }) => {
const { config } = testplane;

.forEach((browserId) => {
config.forBrowser(browserId).baseUrl = control.value;