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Html-Reporter Events


The html-reporter plugin adds a special htmlReporter object to Testplane's interface, through which, among other things, you can subscribe to report events. To do this, testplane.htmlReporter provides the events property with a list of events to subscribe to:

  • DATABASE_CREATED—an event that is triggered immediately after the sqlite database is created;
  • TEST_SCREENSHOTS_SAVED—the event that is triggered after saving screenshots of the test;
  • REPORT_SAVED—the event that is triggered after saving all the report files.


sync | master

The DATABASE_CREATED event is triggered immediately after the sqlite database is created. The event handler is executed synchronously.

Event subscription

testplane.htmlReporter.on(, db => {`DATABASE_CREATED event processing is in progress...`);

Handler parameters

A database instance is passed to the event handler.

Usage example

const parseConfig = require("./config");

module.exports = (testplane, opts) => {
const pluginConfig = parseConfig(opts);

if (!pluginConfig.enabled || testplane.isWorker()) {
// either the plugin is disabled, or we are in the context of a worker – we leave

// the "htmlReporter" property is guaranteed to be in the "testplane" object
// at the time the INIT event is triggered
testplane.on(, () => {
testplane.htmlReporter.on(, db => {
db.prepare(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testTable (foo TEXT, bar TEXT)`).run();


async | master

The TEST_SCREENSHOTS_SAVED event is triggered after saving screenshots of the next test. The event handler can be asynchronous.

Event subscription

async ({ testId, attempt, imagesInfo }) => {
`Screenshots for test "${testId}" (attempt #${attempt}) were saved:`,

/* Expected output:
Screenshots for test "Feature" (attempt #0) were saved:
stateName: 'plain',
refImg: { path: '...', size: { width: 400, height: 200 } },
status: 'fail',
error: undefined,
diffClusters: [...],
expectedImg: { path: '...', size: { width: 400, height: 200 } }
actualImg: { path: '...', size: { width: 400, height: 200 } }
diffImg: { path: '...', size: { width: 400, height: 200 } }

Handler parameters

An object with information about the test of the following type is passed to the event handler:

testId, // id of the test: "<test full title>.<browser id>"
attempt, // test execution attempt number
imagesInfo; // information about screenshots (see above example of event subscription)


async | master

The REPORT_SAVED event is triggered after saving all the report files. The event handler can be asynchronous.

Event subscription

testplane.htmlReporter.on(, async ({ reportPath }) => {`REPORT_SAVED event processing is in progress, report path = ${reportPath}...`);

Handler parameters

An object with the key reportPath is passed to the handler, the value of which stores the path to the saved report.

Usage example

testplane.htmlReporter.on(, async ({ reportPath }) => {
await uploadDirToS3(reportPath); // uploading the report to S3 storage