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Html-Reporter Plugins


Use the plugins option in the html-reporter plugin config to extend the functionality of the report using your own plugins to the report.

To make your plugins work in the report, enable the pluginsEnabled option in the html-reporter plugin config by setting its value to true.

The list of plugins is set as an array with their descriptions. By default, the list is considered empty: [].

Plugins allow you to add your own UI components to the report (both for a static report and for GUI mode), as well as server "handles" (routes) (for GUI mode).


The description of plugins looks like this:

plugins: [
name: "plugin-name",
component: "PluginReactComponentName",
point: "extension-point-name",
position: "wrap",
config: { param: "value" },
name: "plugin-name",
component: "AnotherPluginReactComponentName",
point: "extension-point-name",
position: "before",

// ...

Description of configuration parameters

nameStringRequired parameter. The name of the package with the plugin for the report. It is assumed that the plugin can be connected using require(name).
componentStringThe name of the React component from the plugin.
pointStringThe name of the extension point in the html-reporter plugin.
positionStringDefines the method by which the component will be placed at the extension point.
configObjectPlugin configuration.

A plugin for which only the name parameter is set can be used to override an existing GUI server middleware.

A plugin can define more than one component. Each component can be applied to multiple extension points and/or multiple times to the same point (with separate configuration entries). The order in which components are applied is determined by the configuration order.


Required parameter. The name of the package with the plugin for the report. It is assumed that the plugin can be connected using require(name).


The name of the React component from the plugin.


The name of the extension point in the html-reporter plugin.

Defines the specific location of the specified component inside the html-reporter user interface.

For more information, see the section "Extension points".


Defines the method by which the component will be placed at the extension point of the html-report user interface.

The following values are available:

wrapwrap the extension point in the UI
beforeplace the component before the extension point
afterplace the component after the extension point


Plugin configuration.

Plugin code for the report

Examples of plugins can be viewed in functional tests.

The html-reporter plugin is an object with some set of React components specified as its keys, and an optional reducers key with an array of redux-reducers to control the state of components, which are later combined using reduce-reducers.

The plugin for the report is expected to have the following module files in the root of its package: plugin.js and/or middleware.js.


Optional module. A file that should export an object (or a set of named exports) or a function that returns such an object or array with some specific structure.

You can reuse the html-reporter dependencies in plugins (React, Redux, etc.). To do this, an array with a list of necessary dependencies must be exported from the module, followed by a function with the corresponding dependencies passed to it, and returning the plugin itself.

For example:

import "plugin-styles.css";

export default [
function (React, options) {
class PluginComponent extends React.Component {
// component implementation

return {
reducers: [],

Styles for the plugin must be loaded together with plugin.js, and the resulting file should be one bundle.

Value exported from plugin.js, should be passed to __testplane_html_reporter_register_plugin__.

There are two ways to do this.

For example, configure the build by webpack so that it creates the corresponding jsonp library:

// ...
output: {
filename: 'plugin.js',
path: __dirname,
library: '__testplane_html_reporter_register_plugin__',
libraryTarget: 'jsonp'
// ...

Or pass the value exported from plugin.js, clearly:

function (React, options) {
// ...
return { PluginComponent };


Optional module. Exports a function that accepts Router from express. It is expected that the "routes" of the plugin will be connected to the router. And the router then connects to the "route" /plugin-routes/:PluginName/.

module.exports = function (pluginRouter) {
pluginRouter.get("/plugin-route", function (req, res) {
// "route" implementation

Then the "routes" can be called from the React components of the plugin defined in plugin.js. For convenience, the plugin name is always passed with options called pluginName when a function or an array of functions is used for export:

export default ['react', 'axios', function(React, axios, { pluginName, pluginConfig, actions, actionNames, selectors }) {
class PluginComponent extends React.Component {
// ... somewhere inside the component ...
const result = await axios.get(`/plugin-routes/${pluginName}/plugin-route`);

return {
reducers: []

In this example, you can also see the following properties:

pluginNameplugin name
pluginConfigplugin configuration
actionNamesaction names in html-reporter that are used in Redux-actions, allow to subscribe to report events
selectorscached report selectors that were created using the reselect library

Available dependencies

The following dependencies are available in plugins:

Available components

<Details />

A component with which you can switch the display of content.

Usage example:

// ...inside your React component

render() {
return <Details
title='Some title'
content='Some content' // content that will appear by clicking on the title
extendClassNames='some_class_name' // you can add your own css classes to the component
onClick={() => console.log('clicked')} // as well as your handler


titleString or JSX.ElementRequired parameter. A header describing the information hidden under it.
contentFunction or String or String[] or JSX.ElementRequired parameter. The content that will appear when you click on the title.
extendClassNamesString or String[]CSS classes to add to the component. Optional parameter.
onClickFunctionThe handler that will be called by clicking on the header. Optional parameter.

Extension points

Extension points are places in the user interface of the report that are available for extension using React components exported by plugins for the report.

Each extension point can pass certain props to plugin components depending on the point itself. Since some plugins may rely on a specific placement and, therefore, on specific props, it is possible to restrict plugin components to certain extension points by specifying a static point property for such plugin components:

class PluginComponent extends React.Component {
static point = "result";
// ...

The following extension points are currently available:

resultAllows you to extend each test result. Adds the resultId and testName props to the plugin component.
result_metaAllows you to extend the meta information for each test result. Adds the resultId and testName props to the plugin component.
menu-barAllows you to extend the menu.
rootAllows you to add floating elements such as a modal window or a popup.

An extension point can be extended by more than one component. In this case, the order in which components are applied is determined by the order in which plugins are configured. Each subsequent component is applied to all previously composed components at the extension point.