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How to Upgrade hermione to Version 5.x


If your project uses hermione version earlier than 4.x, please read “How to Upgrade hermione to Version 4.x” before upgrading to version 5.x.

We recommend upgrading hermione in stages, ensuring at each stage that all project tests run correctly.

What Has Changed?

New Default Configurations

The first thing to note during the upgrade is the change in default values for some configuration options. All changes aim to speed up test execution with basic hermione setup and provide more information about tests after execution.

antialiasingTolerance04Sets the sensitivity for detecting antialiasing, which will be ignored when comparing screenshots.
compositeImagefalsetrueAllows testing elements that do not fit into the viewport height.
saveHistoryfalsetrueSave the history of all executed commands.
takeScreenshotOnFails.assertViewFailfalsetrueDetermines whether to take a page screenshot on test failure, including on assertView command failure.
takeScreenshotOnFailsMode"viewport""fullpage"Screenshot mode on test failure. Available values: viewport and fullpage.
takeScreenshotOnFailsTimeout900005000Timeout for taking a page screenshot on test failure, in ms.
httpTimeout9000030000Timeout for any requests to the Selenium server, in ms.
pageLoadTimeout30000020000Timeout for full page loading, in ms.
sessionQuitTimeout900005000Timeout for session termination, in ms.

Additionally, the screenshotOnReject and screenshotOnRejectTimeout options, previously marked as deprecated, have been removed.

You can read more about these options here. If the new values suit you and there are no apparent reasons to override them, you can skip this section during the migration.

CLI Reporters

This section discusses CLI reporters that come out of the box and not the html-reporter.

  • The teamcity reporter has been removed, as it seemed out of place within hermione. If you still use such a report, you can use the hermione-teamcity-reporter plugin.
  • The -r option, which previously allowed specifying the reporter type, no longer does this. It is more often used for the --require option. Many users found this confusing, so we decided to fix it. You can still specify the reporter using the --reporter option.
  • If you want to add your own reporter, it must have a create method for initialization.

So, if you did not use the teamcity reporter or did not write new reporters, you can skip this section during migration.


The testParser object, which could be obtained by subscribing to the BEFORE_FILE_READ event, is no longer an instance of EventEmitter. This means that you can no longer use it to subscribe to the SUITE_BEGIN and TEST_BEGIN events.

To be fair, this initially did not work correctly, and no one used it. Therefore, this functionality was removed. You can read about all available events here.


If you encounter any issues during the migration to the new version or have any questions, visit github issues — we will definitely help you!