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API testplane

With the Testplane API, you can use it in your scripts or build tools.

To do this, you must include the testplane module and create its instance:

const Testplane = require("testplane");

const config = require("./testplane.conf.js");

const testplane = new Testplane(config);

Then you will have access to the following parameters and methods:

configObject or StringA testplane config object or a path to the configuration file, relative to the working folder.
eventsObjecttestplane Events that you can subscribe to.
errorsObjectErrors that testplane can return.
interceptFunctionA function that allows you to subscribe to testplane event interception.
initMethodInitializes the testplane instance, loads all plugins, etc.
runMethodRuns tests located at the specified paths.
addTestToRunMethodAdds a test to the current run.
readTestsMethodReturns an object of type TestCollection.
isFailedMethodReturns true or false depending on whether there was an error or test failure during the test run.
isWorkerMethodReturns true if the method was called from a testplane worker.
haltMethodForcibly terminates the test run in case of a critical error.


A testplane config object or a path to the configuration file, relative to the working folder: process.cwd().


testplane Events that you can subscribe to.

Example of using the object in a testplane plugin:

testplane.on(, async () => {"Processing INIT event...");


Testplane can return errors of the following types:


The CoreError is returned in the case of a failed calibration of an empty page (about:blank) in the browser.

The error includes the following message:

Could not calibrate. This could be due to calibration page has failed to open properly


The CancelledError is returned in case of emergency termination by the halt command.

The error includes the following message:

Browser request was cancelled


The ClientBridgeError is returned in case of a failed JavaScript code injection on the client side (browser). Testplane performs code injection using the execute command of WebDriverIO.

The error includes the following message:

Unable to inject client script


The HeightViewportError is returned when trying to capture a screenshot of an area whose bottom bound does not fit into the viewport.

The error includes the following message:

Can not capture the specified region of the viewport.
The region bottom bound is outside of the viewport height.
Alternatively, you can test such cases by setting "true" value to option "compositeImage" in the config file
or setting "false" to "compositeImage" and "true" to option "allowViewportOverflow" in "assertView" command.
Element position: <cropArea.left>, <>; size: <cropArea.width>, <cropArea.height>.
Viewport size: <viewport.width>, <viewport.height>.

The message advises the testplane user on what settings to configure in testplane to be able to capture the screenshot of the specified area.


The OffsetViewportError is returned when trying to capture a screenshot of an area whose left, right, or top bounds go beyond the viewport.

The error includes the following message:

Can not capture the specified region of the viewport.
Position of the region is outside of the viewport left, top or right bounds.
Check that elements:
- does not overflow the document
- does not overflow browser viewport
Alternatively, you can increase browser window size using
"setWindowSize" or "windowSize" option in the config file.
But if viewport overflow is expected behavior then you can use
option "allowViewportOverflow" in "assertView" command.

The message advises the testplane user on what settings to configure in testplane to be able to capture the screenshot of the specified area.


The AssertViewError is returned in case of a failed attempt to capture a screenshot.

The error can contain one of the following messages, depending on the cause of the failure:

duplicate name for "<state>" state
element ("<selector>") still not existing after <this.options.waitforTimeout> ms
element ("<this.selector>") still not existing after <this.options.waitforTimeout> ms


The ImageDiffError is returned from the assertView command if a difference (diff) is found when capturing and comparing the screenshot with the reference screenshot.

The error includes the following message:

images are different for "<stateName>" state

Additionally, the ImageDiffError contains the following data:

stateNamethe name of the state for which the screenshot was taken
currImglink to the actual image
refImglink to the reference image
diffOptssettings for detecting the diff
diffBoundsbounds of areas with diffs on the image
diffClustersclusters with diffs on the image

Read more about diffBounds and diffClusters in the looks-same package documentation.

exports.handleImageDiff = (currImg, refImg, state, opts) => {
const {tolerance, antialiasingTolerance, canHaveCaret, diffAreas, config} = opts;
const {buildDiffOpts, system: {diffColor}} = config;
buildDiffOpts.ignoreCaret = buildDiffOpts.ignoreCaret && canHaveCaret;

const diffOpts = {
current: currImg.path, reference: refImg.path,
diffColor, tolerance, antialiasingTolerance, ...buildDiffOpts

return Promise.reject(ImageDiffError.create(state, currImg, refImg, diffOpts, diffAreas));


The NoRefImageError is returned from the assertView command if testplane does not find the reference screenshot on the filesystem when capturing and comparing the screenshot.

The error includes the following message:

can not find reference image at <refImg.path> for "<stateName>" state

Additionally, the NoRefImageError contains the following data:

stateNamethe name of the state for which the screenshot was taken
currImglink to the actual image
refImglink to the reference image


A function that allows you to subscribe to testplane event interception.

The first argument is the event to intercept, and the second is the event handler.

For example:

testplane.intercept(, ({ event, data }) => {
return {};

Read more about event interception in the section "About Event Interception".


Initializes the testplane instance, loads all plugins, etc.

Example Call

await testplane.init();


Runs tests located at the specified paths.

Returns true if the test run was successful and false if it was not.

Example Call

const success = await, options);

Call Parameters

All parameters of the method are optional.

Parameter NameTypeDescription
testPathsString[] or TestCollectionPaths to tests relative to the working folder (process.cwd()) or an object of type TestCollection returned by the readTests method. If paths are not specified, all tests will be run.
optionsObjectObject with run options.
options.reportersString[]Reporters for the test run results.
options.browsersString[]Browsers in which to run the tests.
options.setsString[]Sets in which to run the tests.
options.grepRegExpA regular expression pattern that specifies tests to run.


Adds a test to the current run. Returns false if the current run is already finished or cancelled. Otherwise, returns true.

Example Call

const success = testplane.addTestToRun(test, browser);

Call Parameters

All parameters are required.

Parameter NameTypeDescription
testTestThe test to run.
browserIdStringThe browser in which to run the test.


An asynchronous method that returns an object of type TestCollection.

Example Call

await testplane.readTests(testPaths, options);

Call Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
testPathsString[]Paths to tests relative to the working folder (process.cwd()).
optionsObjectObject with test reading mode settings.
options.browsersString[]Read tests only for the specified browsers.
options.silentBooleanDisable event generation while reading tests. Default: false.
options.ignoreString or Glob or String[] or Glob[]Patterns specifying paths on the filesystem to exclude when searching for tests.
options.setsString[]Sets in which to read tests.
options.grepRegExpA regular expression pattern that specifies tests to read.


Returns true or false depending on whether there was an error or test failure during the test run. Might be useful in plugins to determine the current status of testplane.

Example Call

const failed = testplane.isFailed();


Returns true if the method was called from a testplane worker. Returns false if the method was called from the testplane master process.

Might be useful in plugins to distinguish the execution context.

Example Call

// Implementation of some plugin
module.exports = testplane => {
if (testplane.isWorker()) {
// This code will be executed only in testplane workers
} else {
// This code will be executed only in the testplane master process


Forcibly terminates the test run in case of a critical error. If the process cannot gracefully shut down within the specified timeout, it will be forcibly terminated unless the timeout is explicitly set to 0.

Example Call

testplane.halt(error, [timeout=60000ms]);

Call Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errorErrorThe critical error that requires stopping testplane.
timeoutNumberOptional parameter. Timeout for shutting down the testplane process. Default: 60000 ms.

Test Collection

An object of type TestCollection is returned by the testplane.readTests method and is also passed as an argument to the handler of the AFTER_TESTS_READ event.


Returns a list of browsers for which tests are available in the collection.

Example Call

const browsers = testCollection.getBrowsers();


Builds a mapping of tests for the specified browser.

Example Call

const tests = testCollection.mapTests(browserId, (test, browserId) => {
// ...

If the browser is not specified (i.e., a callback is passed as the first argument), the mapping will be built for all browsers.


Sorts tests for the specified browser.

Example Call

testCollection.sortTests(browserId, (currentTest, nextTest) => {
// ...

If the browser is not specified (i.e., a callback is passed as the first argument), the sorting will be applied to all browsers.


Iterates through the tests for the specified browser.

Example Call

testCollection.eachTest(browserId, (test, browserId) => {
// ...

If the browser is not specified (i.e., a callback is passed as the first argument), the iteration will occur for tests in all browsers.


Iterates through the tests and browser versions for the specified browser.

Utilizes the presence of the browserVersion property for each test.

Example Call

testCollection.eachTestByVersions(browserId, (test, browserId, browserVersion) => {
// ...


Disables all tests or tests for the specified browser. Returns a reference to the test collection instance.

Example Calls




If the browser is not specified, all tests will be disabled.


Enables all tests or tests for the specified browser. Returns a reference to the test collection instance.

Example Calls




If the browser is not specified, all tests will be enabled.


Disables the specified test in all browsers or only in the specified browser. Returns a reference to the test collection instance.

Example Calls



disableTest(fullTitle, browserId);

The test is identified by its full title: fullTitle.


Enables the specified test in all browsers or only in the specified browser.



enableTest(fullTitle, browserId);


Returns the root suite for the specified browser. Returns undefined if there are no tests for the specified browser in the collection.

Example Call

const rootSuite = getRootSuite(browserId);


Iterates through all root suites in the collection that have tests.

Example Call

eachRootSuite((root, browserId) => {
// ...