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How to Hide Scrollbars Using Chrome DevTools Protocol



This recipe only works when using Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP).

Read details in the section “How to use CDP in Testplane

One of the reasons for test failures when testing layouts using screenshots is the presence of scrollbars in the browser at the moment the screenshot is taken. You can read more about this problem and some ways to solve it here. This problem arises particularly often in tests with mobile emulation.

CDP has a special method Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden that allows hiding the scrollbar. However, puppeteer lacks a wrapper for this method. Therefore, we will use the CDPSession.send method to execute the Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden command.

Example: How to Hide Scrollbars Using CDP

Here's how it looks:

it("should hide scrollbar", async function () {
// Get puppeteer instance
const puppeteer = await this.browser.getPuppeteer();

// Get the first open page (considering it to be currently active)
const [page] = await puppeteer.pages();

// Create a CDP session
const client = await;

// Hide the scrollbar
await client.send("Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden", { hidden: true });

await this.browser.url("");

Also, read our recipe “How to Hide Scrollbars from Screenshots”.

There you will also learn about the hermione-hide-scrollbars plugin, which is implemented based on the Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden method and which you can use to disable scrollbars in CI for all tests in specific browsers.