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Use the @testplane/retry-progressive plugin to additionally retry tests if the errors with which they fail correspond to a given set of patterns.

What might it be needed for?

Tests can fail not only because of developer errors, races between scripts executed on a web page, but also for infrastructural reasons. For example, when the network blinks, the browser is not given in time, temporary problems with DNS, etc.


See examples of patterns for such errors* Browser request was cancelled * A window size operation failed because the window is not currently available * chrome not reachable * Tried to run command without establishing a connection * No such driver * no such window * Session timed out or not found * Reached error page * getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND * Browsing context has been discarded * Cannot launch browser * Failed to decode response from marionette * session deleted because of page crash * Couldn't connect to selenium server


npm install -D @testplane/retry-progressive


Add the plugin to the plugins section of the testplane config:

module.exports = {
plugins: {
"@testplane/retry-progressive": {
enabled: true,
extraRetry: 7,
errorPatterns: [
"Parameter .* must be a string",
name: "Cannot read property of undefined",
pattern: "Cannot read property .* of undefined",

// other Testplane plugins...

// other Testplane settings...

Description of configuration parameters

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
enabledBooleantrueEnable / disable the plugin.
extraRetryNumber5The number of times you need to retry the test if it crashes with an error that matches one of the errorPatterns.
errorPatternsArray[ ]A list of patterns, one of which an error should match in order for the plugin to retry the test. For more information, see below.


Each pattern in the errorPatterns array is either an object of the form:

name: 'A clear message for the user that will be output to the console',
pattern: 'An error pattern that can be set, among other things, as a string for a regular expression'

or a string that will be interpreted by the plugin as an object of the form:

name: 'your string',
pattern: 'your string'

The latter option is convenient if the readable format for the console and the error pattern completely match.

Passing parameters via the CLI

All plugin parameters that can be defined in the config can also be passed as command-line options or through environment variables during the launch of Testplane. Use the prefix --retry-progressive- for command line options and testplane_retry_progressive_ for environment variables. For example:

npx testplane --retry-progressive-extra-retry 3
testplane_retry_progressive_extra_retry=3 npx testplane