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Use the @testplane/test-repeater plugin to run the same test (or group of tests) the required number of times.

This plugin can be useful in cases when you need to make sure that the written tests are stable. The plugin guarantees that the tests will be run as many times as you set, regardless of the results of their run in each attempt. In addition, the plugin allows you to run tests every time in a new browser session. This eliminates the impact of browser degradation or any other side effects that could occur during repeated runs in the same browser session.


npm install -D @testplane/test-repeater


Add the plugin to the plugins section of the testplane config:

module.exports = {
plugins: {
"@testplane/test-repeater": {
enabled: true,
repeat: 50,
minRepeat: 10,
maxRepeat: 100,
uniqSession: true,

// other Testplane plugins...

// other Testplane settings...

Description of configuration parameters

ParameterTypeDefault valueDescription
enabledBooleantrueEnable / disable the plugin.
repeatNumber0How many times you need to run the test, regardless of the result of its run.
minRepeatNumber0The minimum number of times the test can be run.
maxRepeatNumberInfinityThe maximum number of times the test can be run.
uniqSessionBooleantrueRun each test in a unique browser session.

Passing parameters via the CLI

All plugin parameters that can be defined in the config can also be passed as command line options or through environment variables during Testplane startup. Use the prefix --test-repeater- for command line options and testplane_test_repeater_ for environment variables. For example:

npx testplane --test-repeater-repeat 5
testplane_test_repeater_repeat=5 npx testplane


Option --repeat

The plugin also adds a special --repeat option to Testplane's CLI, with which you can run the test the right number of times in a more convenient way. For example:

npx testplane --repeat 5